Student Membership and Scholarship Opportunities
As a student member you will belong to a professional society which continues to upgrade and maintain professional standards. You may attend educational conferences yearly which are great opportunities to network and make contacts with others in the Food Service field in Saskatchewan.
Student Application Process
1. The SSNM Membership Chair will review the applications and a letter of approval will be sent to each student that applies.
2. Students will be required to provide SSNM with the information requested on the approval letter:
Full name, address, and phone number
Mailing address if different from above
Program Year enrolled
3. The SSNM Student Membership fee of $30.00 will be included in your SaskPolytech registration.
4. SSNM will send a final letter of acceptance which will include an Active Membership card.
5. You will receive informational brochures on the SSNM and Canadian Society of Nutrition Management, our national society.
or mail your application to:
Saskatchewan Society of Nutrition Management
P.O. Box 9685
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 7G5
SSNM France Gates Scholarships: Application deadline March 31, 2025
2017 France Gates Scholarship recipient: Courtney Cross
2018 France Gates Scholarship recipient: Mike McAllen
2019 France Gates Scholarship recipient: Ashley Malcolm
2020 France Gates Scholarship recipient: Ashley Koob
2021 France Gates Scholarship recipient: 1st year - Gurleen Kaur
2021 France Gates Scholarship recipient: 2nd year - Viviane Demasco Matos Beauregard
2022 France Gates Scholarship recipient: 1st year - Honey Mae Lingat
2023 France Gates Scholarship recipient: 2nd year - Maica Lomat
SSNM will be offering two scholarships for the 2023/2024 program year.
Each scholarship is worth $500.00. One will be available to a first year SSNM Student Member/Food & Nutrition Management student, and one will be available to a second year SSNM Member/Food & Nutrition Management student.
The student can be enrolled in either the program offered through SaskPolytech or a recognized distance education program.
Applications must be submitted to the society and postmarked by midnight March 31, 2024.
Applications will be reviewed by SSNM’s Executive and the scholarship winners will be announced at the 2024
AGM in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
1.Applicant must be a student member of SSNM
2.Applicant has a grade point average of 75% or higher (include most recent transcripts)
3.Applicant will include a short essay of work history and why they have chosen to study Food & Nutrition Management
4. Applicant will includes a letter of recommendation from a Food & Nutrition Management instructor
The SSNM board reserves the right to withhold granting scholarships if it is felt applicants do not meet criteria.
The winning applicants will have their essay published in the “Nutrition Management Today” newsletter